Does Apple Cider Vinegar Go Bad?


Apple cider vinegar is an increasingly popular health food product used in cooking, baking, household cleaning, and even as a nutritional supplement. But with its popularity comes questions about apple cider vinegar's shelf life. 

The Shelf Life of Apple Cider Vinegar

Unopened Shelf Stability

An unopened bottle of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder, if stored properly, can maintain quality and freshness well beyond its best-by date. Unopened and refrigerated, it lasts 1-2 years past printed expiration dates. If kept in a cool dark pantry, it lasts up to 5 years before quality begins declining.

Opened Shelf Life

Once opened, it has a shorter but still extensive shelf life. Refrigeration is recommended to slow oxidation and evaporation of aromatic compounds. Opened and refrigerated, apple cider vinegar lasts 6-12 months before expiration depending on the quality and starting freshness level of the product.

How to Know If Apple Cider Vinegar is Bad

There are a few main ways to determine if your open has reached the end of its shelf life:  

Bad Apple Cider Vinegar.jpg   Appearance Changes

   Fresh apple cider vinegar maintains a uniform shade consistent with the label description from 

   pale to medium or deep amber. Darkening brown tones indicate oxidation from prolonged 

   storage. Significant sedimentation, cloudiness, or haziness also signals degradation.  

   Mold Growth

   Although acidic with antimicrobial properties, it is still vulnerable to mold growth over time 

   which appears as fuzzy blotches floating on the vinegar’s surface. Mold makes apple cider 

   vinegar unsafe for consumption.

   Off Odors 

   Newly opened or fresh Apple Cider Vinegar Powder gives off a tart yet fruity smell similar to 

   apples. As it expires, this bright aroma fades to a stale, musty muted scent that is noticeably off  

                                                                           and unpleasant.  

Loss of Acidity

The acidic bite of apple cider vinegar lessens with age. Flat or bland flavors lacking the sharp brightness of acetic acid indicate oxidation and that the beneficial compounds have broken down.

While not ideal, consuming slightly aged it is generally safe. Astringent tastes and weak acidity are the main risks. Mold growth however makes it dangerous to ingest and requires disposal of the product.

Tips for Extending Shelf Life

Maintaining quality and freshness in it depends greatly on how it is handled and stored:  

Refrigerate After Opening

Cooler refrigerator temperatures slow down oxidative reactions and evaporation of flavor compounds significantly.  

Minimize Air Exposure

Try to limit oxygen exposure when dispensing apple vinegar powder by promptly replacing lids and sealing bottles between uses. Consider investing in nitrogen spray wine preservers.

apple vinegar.jpgAvoid Heat & Light

Store bottles away from heat sources like dishwashers, stoves, and direct sunlight that can accelerate deterioration.

Never Touch Mouth to Bottle

Always use a clean spoon or other implement to dispense apple cider vinegar. Contact between the vinegar and bacteria environments hastens spoilage.

Purchase High-Quality Brands

Higher standards vinegar brands filter their products more thoroughly, retain more nutrients and use protective bottle coatings to maintain freshness longer after opening.

Is Expired Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Consume?

While not as tasty or beneficial, accidentally ingesting slightly expired but otherwise normal-looking it is generally recognized as safe. At worst, it may cause temporary nausea, stomach upset, or irritation from decreased acidity and the effects of aging compounds. However, it exhibiting mold, off-smells, or very abnormal appearances should be discarded down the drain safely away from skin contact.

Is it good to use expired apple cider vinegar?

While not as potent or beneficial, apple cider vinegar that has only slightly expired is likely still safe to ingest. The main risks of using old it are unpleasant flavors and diluted acetic acid levels rather than foodborne illness provided mold growth isn’t visible. However, very outdated and improperly stored varieties may contain more harmful degradants and are best avoided.

How can you tell if vinegar has gone bad?

There are several key indicators that signal it is reaching the end of its shelf life or has already expired and may not be advisable for use:

apple vinegar has gone bad.jpgAppearance Changes

Fresh apple cider vinegar ranges from pale golden to deeper amber tones. Over time, oxidation darkens the shade into deeper browns and introduces cloudiness or sediment that sinks and collects at the bottom of bottles.

Mold Growth

Being strongly acidic, apple cider vinegar deters most microbial growth for months after opening. However fuzzy blotches of mold eventually appear as harmless yeasts and acids degrade. Any mold presence makes vinegar potentially dangerous to consume.

Weakened Smell and Flavors

The bright, tart apple-like smell of apple cider vinegar fades with age. Bad vinegar gives off stale odors lacking fruity notes and tastes uncharacteristically unpleasant or bitter. The sourness and bite become less pronounced as well over time.

What to do with expired apple cider vinegar Reddit?

Toss Severely Expired Varieties

Apple cider vinegar that is very old, extremely discolored, harbors mold, or smells strongly foul should be discarded in its entirety to avoid accidentally ingesting severely degraded vinegar. Heavily pour down drains and rinse bottles thoroughly before recycling containers.

think deeply.jpgUse With Caution in Cleaning

Very old but otherwise normal-looking it can be safely repurposed for gentle household cleaning tasks if too questionable for consumption. However, take care and consult lists of surfaces safely cleaned with any amount of acetic acid first.

Try for Quick Pickling

The reduced acidity levels may yield softer pickles, but very old vinegar can still be utilized for quick refrigerator pickles lasting just a few weeks before the need to consume. However strong biochemical changes that happen in longer fermented pickled items make very expired vinegar a poor choice for extended batch pickling.


Under proper storage conditions away from light and heat, apple cider vinegar enjoys a long stable shelf life, easily lasting 1-2 years from the time of opening. Monitoring apple cider vinegar for changes in odor, appearance, taste, and mouthfeel will indicate when the product is no longer safe or advisable to consume. Proper handling helps apple cider vinegar retain its beneficial properties.

WELLGREEN is an innovation-driven manufacturer of herbal extracts since 2011 certified by ISO9001:2015, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, HACCP, and Organic Certificate. If you need Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder, please contact us immediately, We can supply customized service as per your request.


Johnston, Carol S., and Cindy A. Gaas. "Vinegar: medicinal uses and antiglycemic effect." MedGenMed 8.2 (2006): 61.

Budak, Nilgün H., et al. "Effects of apple cider vinegars produced with different techniques on blood lipids in high-cholesterol-fed rats." Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59.12 (2011): 6638-6644.

Entani, Eiko, et al. "Antibacterial action of vinegar against food-borne pathogenic bacteria including Escherichia coli O157: H7." Journal of food protection 61.8 (1998): 953-959.
