Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Bloating?


Bloating is a common digestive complaint that can leave your stomach feeling swollen and uncomfortable. It often results from excess gas production or fluid retention during the digestive process. Making some dietary changes like reducing fried foods, sugar alcohols, and salt intake can help minimize bloating episodes for many people. Some also find success using natural remedies like apple cider vinegar powder to ease abdominal distension and relieve other digestive issues. 

What Causes Bloating?

Causes Bloating.jpgThere are several potential culprits behind the bloating that afflicts many people occasionally:

- Overeating - Consuming large meals presses on the stomach and slows digestion.

- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - Food and stomach acid back up into the esophagus creating gas and belching.

- Food intolerances - Difficulty digesting foods like dairy, gluten, or FODMAPs produces excess gas.

- Constipation - Infrequent bowel movements lead to gas and abdominal discomfort. Dehydration contributes to the hardness of stools.

- Hormonal fluctuations - Menstrual cycles, contraceptives, and menopause affect fluid retention.

- Medical conditions - Health issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and peptic ulcers can all manifest with bloating.

- Medications - Some drugs like antibiotics, laxatives, and calcium channel blockers have bloating as potential side effects.

The Apple Cider Vinegar Connection

Preliminary evidence indicates Apple Cider Vinegar Powder may alleviate bloating in various ways when used as part of a healthy diet. Its main active ingredient acetic acid has demonstrated antibacterial and antioxidant properties that provide some digestive and health benefits:

- Improves digestion - Acetic acid may boost stomach acid production needed to fully break down foods, thus limiting gas production. Vinegar also contains pectin and amino acids that ease digestion.

- Relieves constipation - The acetic acid promotes more water movement into the intestines, softening stools and improving bowel motility and regularity.

- Balances gut flora - Apple cider vinegar acts as a mild prebiotic supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut microbiome associated with less gas production.

- Lowers water retention - The potassium in apple cider vinegar helps flush out excess sodium and fluid responsible for bloating symptoms.

- Reduces acid reflux - Studies indicate vinegar drinks improve low esophageal sphincter function and limit backflow of gastric fluids into the esophagus.

Intestinal dredging.jpg

Dosage Recommendations

To receive any therapeutic effects on bloating, apple cider vinegar must be diluted before drinking since the undiluted acidity can damage tooth enamel and esophagus tissue with regular use. Mix 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 8 ounces of water and sip slowly through a straw. You can mix in a squeeze of lemon juice and a little raw honey to taste if desired without diminishing efficacy. Some tips for taking apple cider vinegar to ease abdominal discomfort include:

- Drink before meals - Sipping some diluted vinegar 15-20 minutes before eating allows the acetic acid to start working on digestion in advance for less gas.

- Limit to twice a day - Consume no more than two vinegar drinks spaced out to get the benefits without upsetting the stomach or interactions with other foods and medicines.  

- Use raw, organic - Choose good quality vinegars that maintain the enzymes, acids, vitamins, and minerals believed to aid digestion.

- Start slow - Begin with smaller doses like 1 teaspoon diluted in 8+ ounces of liquid and incrementally increase to gauge tolerance and benefits.

What Does the Research Say?

A few small human studies reveal some promising data, but further research is still needed:

- A 2004 study had people with diabetes take 2 tablespoons of vinegar at bedtime or consume one vinegar-containing meal daily. Both groups showed significantly reduced belly circumference, body weight, triglycerides, and belly fat over 12 weeks compared to the control group.

- A similar 2005 study in obese individuals trying to lose weight found adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar to their diet for 12 weeks resulted in modest weight loss and belly fat reduction compared to the non-vinegar group.

- A small 2014 study showed taking 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water before a high-carb meal moderated glucose and insulin blood level spikes in prediabetic adults better than water alone.

- A 2021 study revealed vinegar drinks improved symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and constipation in people with diagnosed IBS after only one week of use.

While current evidence remains limited, apple cider vinegar appears generally safe to use in moderation. It may provide at least partial relief from flatulence, stomach distension, irregular stools, acid reflux, and other gut issues that can contribute to bloating. Just remain cautious with other medicines and monitor for increased acid reflux, tooth erosion, or low potassium with long-term use.

Additional Lifestyle Tips For Less Bloating

While the impact of apple vinegar powder drinks is still inconclusive, there are several other evidenced approaches to easing a bloated belly:

slimming.jpgDietary Changes Help:

- Reduce salt, sugar alcohols, caffeine, carbonation

- Limit gas-producing foods like beans, cruciferous veggies, gluten and dairy if sensitive

- Slow eating pace, chew thoroughly

- Avoid eating too large of meals

Lifestyle Modifications:  

- Track symptoms to identify trigger foods

- Exercise regularly eliminates intestinal gas  

- Manage constipation through hydration, fiber, probiotics

- Decrease stress which exacerbates gut issues

Seeking medical guidance helps diagnose potential contributors to ongoing digestive problems behind abdominal bloating episodes. Adjusting dietary patterns, activity levels, and stress loads often goes a long way toward feeling lighter and less puffy.

Is apple cider vinegar good for constipation and bloating?

bloating.jpgPreliminary studies indicate the acetic acid content of apple cider vinegar assists proper digestion and may relieve constipation in a few key ways:

Improves gut motility - Acetic acid promotes more water movement into stools, softening their consistency while also gently stimulating muscular contractions to facilitate movement through the colon.

Increases mineral absorption - Apple cider vinegar allows your gut lining to absorb electrolytes like potassium and magnesium essential for proper nerve and muscle function, including contractions that eliminate waste.

Balances gut flora - The enzymes and probiotics contained in unpasteurized vinegar support the growth of healthy bacteria cultures shown to reduce the incidence of constipation.

Lowers water retention - The potassium within vinegars helps regulate sodium levels, which influences fluid retention contributing to a bloated abdomen associated with sluggish bowels.

Is apple cider vinegar good for your gut health?

Your gastrointestinal system relies heavily on maintaining the proper balance of stomach acid, enzymes, and gut microbes to function efficiently. Increasing evidence shows that incorporating vinegar into your diet helps cultivate better digestive health:

Improves digestion - Acetic acid assists in protein breakdown required to maximize nutrient absorption from foods. The pectin in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder also has prebiotic effects that promote good bacteria growth.

Soothes acid reflux - Contrary to expectations, vinegar actually helps lower the incidence of acid reflux by acidifying the stomach’s contents necessary to close the sphincter separating it from the esophagus.

Supports microbial diversity - The organic acids in vinegar limit the growth of harmful bacteria while allowing commensal bacterial strains to thrive, creating ideal gut microbiome conditions.


Early studies showing some potential gas, insulin, and weight-reducing effects make apple cider vinegar a reasonably safe supplemental remedy to try for bloated stomach relief. However, more extensive research is still needed to verify efficacy. While unlikely to resolve all bloating on its own, apple cider vinegar may help reduce mild symptoms as part of balanced nutrition and lifestyle habits. Pay attention to your individual response, be consistent in applying lifestyle tweaks, and seek medical advice for severe or persistent intestinal troubles.

WELLGREEN is an innovation-driven manufacturer of herbal extracts since 2011 certified by ISO9001:2015, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, HACCP, and Organic Certificate. If you need Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Powder, please contact us immediately, We can supply customized service as per your request.


Johnston, C. S., & Gaas, C. A. (2006). Vinegar: medicinal uses and anti glycemic effect. MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine, 8(2), 61.

Kondo, T., Kishi, M., Fushimi, T., Ugajin, S., & Kaga, T. (2009). Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 73(8), 1837–1843.
