How to Use Red Clover Extract for Hair Growth?


Red clover extract is gaining popularity as a natural supplement for supporting healthy hair growth. Derived from the red clover plant (Trifolium pratense), this herbal extract contains bioactive compounds that may help strengthen hair follicles, reduce shedding, and encourage new growth. This article will explore how to safely and effectively use red clover extract for optimal hair health.


Red clover plant.jpgRed clover belongs to the legume plant family and has traditionally been used for treating skin conditions and supporting hormonal balance. Today, red clover extract is being studied for its potential to foster healthy hair growth patterns (1). The extract contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens believed to promote scalp circulation and stimulate hair follicles (2).

Using red clover extract both topically and orally may help create the ideal internal and external conditions for growing thick, lustrous hair. However, standardized guidelines are lacking on ideal dosages and usage. By understanding the research and taking precautions, red clover extract can be incorporated into hair care regimens to enhance growth.

Understanding Red Clover Extract and Its Benefits

Red clover leaf extract is typically made by steeping red clover blossoms in a solvent like alcohol or glycerin. This concentrated liquid contains bioactive compounds like isoflavones including genistein and daidzein, flavonoids like quercetin, salicylic acid, and essential amino acids (3).

These plant compounds contribute to red clover extract’s effectiveness for hair in several ways:

- Isoflavones may help reduce 5-alpha reductase activity, an enzyme linked to hair loss (4).

- The phytoestrogens interact with hair follicle receptors to prolong the anagen or growth phase (5).

- Its antioxidant properties counteract oxidative stress that can damage hair protein and DNA (6).

- Anti-inflammatory benefits reduce scalp irritation that restricts follicle growth (7).

- It stimulates scalp circulation to better nourish hair roots (8).

- Red clover is also rich in minerals like calcium, copper, and iron that support hair health (9).

However, research specifically on red clover for hair growth in humans is limited. Further studies are needed on the mechanisms and efficacy.

Selecting and Obtaining Red Clover Extract

Red clover extracts are available in various forms:

- Liquid tinctures - Alcohol-based preparations that provide high concentration and faster absorption.

- Powdered extracts - Dehydrated and finely ground for convenient dosing; may be mixed into foods or drinks.

- Capsules- Contain powdered extract in an easy oral dosage form.

- Hair products - Some shampoos, masks, and serums incorporate red clover extract.

When purchasing red clover extract, opt for supplements made from organically grown red clover to avoid pesticide exposure. Check that the product does not contain unnecessary fillers, binders or additives. Reputable herbal brands evaluated for purity and potency are preferable.

Consult a doctor before taking oral red clover extract, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or take prescription medications. Tell your doctor about all the supplements you are using.

Topical Application of Red Clover Extract

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   Red clover extract can be applied directly to the scalp for a localized effect. Mix the extract with carrier oils or

   bases suited for your hair type:

   - For dry hair, try coconut, sweet almond, or argan oil.

   - For oily hair, use aloe vera gel or apple cider vinegar.

   - For normal hair, olive oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil work well.

   Simple scalp serum recipe:

   1. Add 1 oz (30 ml) of coconut or olive oil to a dark glass bottle.

   2. Add 20-30 drops of red clover extract tincture.

   3. Optional: Add 5 drops each of lavender and rosemary essential oils for fragrance.

   4. Shake well before each use. Massage mixture into the scalp and leave for 30-45 minutes before washing hair 

   as usual. Store in a cool, dry place.

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Hair mask recipe:

1. Combine 1 tablespoon (15 ml) red clover extract tincture with 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon olive oil.

2. Apply evenly to damp hair and scalp. Cover hair and allow the mask to penetrate for 20-30 minutes.

3. Rinse thoroughly and shampoo as normal.

Use topical red clover 1-3 times per week for optimal benefits. Monitor for skin reactions before extensive use.

Incorporating Red Clover Extract in Diet

Taking red clover extract orally may also support healthy hair by providing essential nutrients that enhance growth. The suggested intake is around 30 to 80 mg of isoflavones from red clover extract per day (10).

You can ingest red clover extract in various ways:

- Add liquid extract to the water, juices, smoothies, or tonics.

- Take capsules with food according to the supplement label.

- Use powdered extract to make tea, blend into protein shakes, or sprinkle on foods.

- Look for multi-herbal supplements for hair that contain red clover extract as an ingredient.

Talk to your healthcare provider to find the appropriate oral dose for your individual needs. Be consistent, as it may take 3-6 months to notice effects.

Red Clover Extract and Hair Care Routine  

Red Clover Extract and Hair Care Routine  .png   For best results, combine red clover extract with other botanicals and practices:

   - Massage your scalp daily with warm oils to increase circulation.

   - Use a shampoo containing red clover and amino acids to cleanse hair.

   - Apply masks or treatments with red clover 1-2 times per week.

   - Take red clover extract orally as advised by your doctor.

   - Eat a nutritious diet with protein, omega-3s, vitamins A, C, and B complex.

   - Reduce stress through yoga, meditation, or mindfulness techniques.

   - Avoid harsh styling products and very tight hairstyles that pull on follicles.

   With consistent use alongside a holistic hair care routine, red clover extract may amplify hair growth results. Be patient, as 

   visible changes occur gradually. Consult a dermatologist if concerned about excessive shedding, thinning, or hair loss.

Precautions and Considerations

Before trying red clover extract, keep these precautions in mind (11):

- Conduct a skin patch test before applying topically to check for allergic reactions.

- Start with small doses and monitor for side effects like stomach upset or headaches.

- Avoid red clover if you have hormone-sensitive conditions like breast cancer or endometriosis.

- Check for interactions if you take medications like blood thinners, birth control pills or chemotherapy drugs.

- Discontinue use if you experience abnormal menstrual bleeding or breast tenderness.

- Pregnant or nursing women should avoid red clover due to lack of safety data.

Consult a doctor experienced in herbal medicine to provide guidance on using red clover extract safely based on your health status.

How do you use clover on your hair?

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There are a few ways to use clover for hair health:

- Make a red clover tea by steeping 2-3 tbsp of dried flowers in hot water for 15 minutes. Use as a final rinse after shampooing.

- Mix 5-10 drops of red clover tincture into coconut or olive oil and massage into the scalp. Leave for 30 minutes before washing as usual.  

- Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain red clover extract as an ingredient to enhance hair strength and shine.

- Apply a hair mask with blended ingredients like red clover extract, yogurt, egg yolk, and lemon juice. Leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing.

- Take red clover extract capsules orally as advised by your healthcare provider to support healthy hair from within.

- Use a spray-on leave-in conditioner containing red clover extract after washing hair. Comb through damp hair before styling as normal.

Always follow the manufacturer’s directions for hair products containing clover. Conduct a patch test before extensive use.

Is red clover safe in hair products?

When used appropriately, red clover appears to be safe for topical application on hair and scalp in most people. However, potential side effects can include (12):

- Allergic reactions - Discontinue use if irritation or rash occurs.

- Hormonal effects - Avoid use if you have estrogen-driven conditions like endometriosis.

- Interactions - May interact with blood thinners, contraceptives, or chemotherapy drugs.

- Pregnancy/breastfeeding - Safety is uncertain, best to avoid.

In hair products, red clover extract is typically present only in small amounts. But minimal research exists on long-term use for hair care. Monitor yourself carefully and consult a doctor if any adverse reactions develop.

Does red clover thicken hair?

Some early research in mice indicates that red clover extract may help thicken hair by extending the anagen or growth phase. Red clover contains phytoestrogens that may interact with hair follicle receptors similarly to estrogen to prolong active growth (13).

Red clover also exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may create a favorable scalp environment for follicle health and thicker strands (14). However, human studies are still lacking on red clover's ability to thicken hair over time.

While the preliminary results are promising, more research is needed to conclusively determine whether red clover directly causes increased hair density and thickness when applied topically or taken orally.

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Red clover extract offers an intriguing natural solution for stimulating hair regrowth and thickness. Early research on its mechanisms for supporting scalp health and follicle proliferation is promising. Both oral and topical use may aid hair growth when integrated into a holistic hair care regimen. However, human studies remain limited. Work closely with your healthcare provider to determine if red clover extract is appropriate for your needs and to find the safest dosage and application method. Consistency and patience are key when optimizing the potential of red clover extract for hair growth goals.

WELLGREEN is an innovation-driven manufacturer of herbal extracts since 2011 certified by ISO9001:2015, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, HACCP, and Organic Certificate. If you need Red Clover Extract Powder, please contact us immediately by e-mail: We can supply customized service as per your request.










