

Product Name: Chicory Root Extract Inulin
Appearance: White Powder
Specification: Inulin 85%, 90%
CAS No.: 9005-80-5
Particle Size: 100% through 80 mesh
Test Method: UV/HPLC
Application: food,drinks,health products,cosmetic industries.
Packaging: 1-5kg/Aluminum foil bag ;25kg/Drum or OEM
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

1. what is Inulin?inulin.jpg

Inulin is a typically passing polysaccharide that has a place within the class 

of fructans. It's generally employed as a prebiotic salutary fiber because of 

its plant-grounded properties and medical advantages. It is extracted from

various plant sources using a gentle extraction process. It consists of fructose 

chains linked by β(2-1) glycosidic bonds, with a terminal glucose patch. The 

product offers a wide range of operations in the food, libation, medicinal, 

and ornamental industries.

Source and Extraction Process

Organic inulin powder is extracted from shops similar to chicory roots, Jerusalem artichoke, and dandelion roots. The roots are gathered and gutted, and also suffer a series of extraction ways to gain pure extraction. The extraction process involves crushing the roots, rooting the juice, and pouring the product by ethanol rush. The rained extraction is further purified using filtration and drying ways.


The product is composed of fructose chains with a degree of polymerization ranging from 2 to 60. It generally contains 5 to 10 glucose as the terminal unit. The average molecular weight of its ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 Daltons. This composition gives the product its unique functional properties and health benefits.

Functional Properties

The product has several functional properties, making it a protean component in various operations. It's water-answerable, creating a thick gel-suchlike texture that enhances mouthfeel in food and libation products. It also acts as a fat replacer, contributing to the reduction of calorie content in low-fat products. It is a typically passing polysaccharide that has a place within the class of fructans. It's generally employed as a prebiotic salutary fiber because of its great useful properties and medical advantages.

Versatility and Applications

Inulin finds expansive operations in the food assiduity as a functional component. It's used as a salutary fiber in bakery products, dairy druthers, and cereals. Bulk organic inulin powder can be incorporated into potables to ameliorate texture and stability. In pharmaceutical assiduity, it's employed as an excipient in tablet phrasings due to its list and decomposition properties. The product is also employed in the ornamental assiduity for its moisturizing and emulsifying goods.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

The demand for bulk inulin powder is increasing fleetly, driven by rising health mindfulness and the objectification of functional constituents in various products. Its prebiotic properties and health benefits have gained significant attention, leading to its increased use in functional foods and salutary supplements. The unborn prospects for the product are promising, with a growing emphasis on gut health and the development of innovative food and libation products.

2. COA

Test items and results







Physical&Chemical Testing


White fine powder





Residue On Ignition



Loss On Drying









Microbiological Testing

Total plate count







Not detected

Not detected


Not detected

Not detected

Shelf life and Storage

2 Years. Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place.

Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.


Conform with specification.

3. Product Details

The product is a premium quality, naturally deduced prebiotic salutary fiber. It's produced from precisely named plant sources using advanced extraction ways to ensure chastity and functionality. The white powder has excellent solubility in water and is odorless. It is available in various mesh sizes, ranging from 80 to 120 mesh, to suit different food and libation operations.

Our product meets the loftiest quality norms, with a minimal purity of 90%. It has a pH range of 5.0 to 7.0, icing comity with a wide range of phrasings. The humidity content is controlled to not exceed 5, icing stability and longer shelf life. The agreeableness of the product is roughly 10 of sucrose, making it suitable for sugar reduction in various products.

It acts as an effective fat replacer, contributing to the texture and mouthfeel of low-fat products. Its prebiotic properties promote digestive health and support the growth of salutary gut bacteria. The product is digestible and low in calories, making it an ideal choice for individuals on a low- low-carbohydrate diet or seeking weight operation results.

4. Benefits and Efficacy

Organic inulin powder offers various medical advantages and has been astronomically explored for its viability in advancing stomach-related goods. As a prebiotic salutary fiber, it invigorates the development of economic microbes in the stomach, for illustration, bifidobacteria, and lactobacilli. These bitsy organisms assume a vital part in keeping a sound stomach microbiota, streamlining processing, and perfecting supplement retention.

The application of the product has been related to many medical advantages, including further developed solid discharges, lowered cessation side goods, and upgraded mineral retention. It also helps in keeping up with acclimated glucose situations, making it reasonable for people with diabetes or those watching their sugar admission. Its low glycemic record forestalls quick glucose harpoons and gives supported energy discharge.

Besides, the product upholds the weight of the directors because of its capacity to proliferate malnutrition and drop calorie admission. It makes a sensation of summation, averting indulging and advancing weight reduction. Because the gut houses a significant portion of the vulnerable system, the prebiotic goods of the product also help maintain a healthy vulnerable system.

5. Applications in Various Industries

Inulin finds expansive use in various industries due to its functional properties and versatility. It's used as a salutary fiber in baked goods, dairy products, snacks, and potables in the food assiduity. It goes about as a fat replacer and upgrades face and mouthfeel in low-fat particulars, for illustration, yogurt, and firmed yogurt. also, sugar-free and reduced-sugar products incorporate it as a sweetener and sugar cover.

In the medicine business, the product fills in as an excipient in tablet plans. It acts as a binder, perfecting tablet integrity and decomposition. Its water-answerable nature allows for easy objectification into tablet phrasings, icing invariant distribution and stability.

The product is used as an emulsifying and moisturizing agent in cosmetics assiduity. It upgrades the security of mixes and adds to a smooth and rich surface in skincare and haircare particulars. Its hydrating properties help to support and souse the skin, making it applicable for different corrective plans.

The versatility of the product contributes to its growing demand across industries. With adding consumer mindfulness about gut health and the significance of functional constituents, the request for the product is anticipated to witness significant growth in the coming years.

application area.jpg

6. Quality Assurance

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7. Package

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8.  OEM Services

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9. Why Choose Wellgreen

Why Choose Wellgreen.jpg

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