
Red Clover Isoflavones

Variety: Red clover extract
Product Name: Red clover extract
Active: Ingredient Isoflavones
Part: Formononetin whole plant
Specification: Isoflavones 8%,10%,20%,40%
COA: Avaialble
Shelf life: 2 years
Test Method:HPLC
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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  • Quality Assurance
  • 24/7 Customer Service

Product Introduction

What is Red Clover Isoflavones?

Red clover isoflavones is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family, known scientifically as Trifolium pratense. Native to Europe, Western Asia, and Northwest Africa, it has also been widely cultivated in other regions for its various medicinal properties. One of the key components found in red clover is isoflavones, a class of phytoestrogens known for their potential health benefits. It have gained considerable attention in recent years due to their diverse applications in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and cosmeceuticals. 

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

  1. Ingredients:It essentially involve bioactive blends, for instance, genistein, daidzein, formononetin, and biochanin A. These isoflavones show estrogen-like effects in the body, making them critical for various prosperity clover extract

  2. Functional Characteristics:

    • Harmony in the Hormones: It is known for their ability to direct estrogen levels in the body, making them supportive in managing aftereffects related with hormonal unbalanced qualities like menopause.
    • Highlighted Cell reinforcements: The isoflavones present in red clover have solid malignant growth counteraction specialist activity, helping with killing free progressives and lessening oxidative strain in the body.
    • Bone Prosperity: A couple of assessments recommend that it may add to dealing with bone thickness and lessening the bet of osteoporosis, particularly in postmenopausal women.
    • Cardiovascular Prosperity: It may benefit cardiovascular health by enhancing arterial function and lowering LDL cholesterol levels, according to research.
    • Skin Benefits: The expected enemy of maturing impacts on the skin, which incorporate expanding collagen creation and diminishing kinks, have been the subject of examination.
    • Threatening development Evasion: According to preliminary research, it may have anti-cancer properties, particularly in lowering the risk of hormone-related cancers like breast and prostate cancer.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

The market for red clover isoflavones is steadily expanding due to consumers' growing awareness of natural and plant-based health and wellness ingredients. Some remarkable patterns and possibilities for the future include:

  1. Rising Requirement for Help from Menopausal Side effects: Regular options in contrast to chemical substitution treatment (HRT) for overseeing menopausal side effects are turning out to be progressively famous because of a maturing worldwide populace. The estrogen-like impacts of red clover isoflavones make them a promising treatment choice for menopausal side effects like hot glimmers, night sweats, and emotional episodes.

  2. Nutraceuticals and dietary supplements industry expansion: Dietary enhancements and nutraceutical plans for ladies' wellbeing, bone wellbeing, cardiovascular help, and skin revival progressively consolidate red clover isoflavones. The market is supposed to grow before long because of this pattern.

  3. Research and Development: The company's expansion and product development are likely to be fueled by ongoing research efforts focused on elucidating the beneficial role of red clover isoflavones in a variety of medical conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and malignant growth anticipation.

  4. Principles of Quality and Administrative Climate: As the interest for red clover isoflavones continues to rise, adherence to authoritative standards and quality control appraisals will end up being dynamically huge for creators and suppliers to ensure thing security and reasonability.

Detailed Specifications

Test items and results









Physical&Chemical Testing


Greyish-green powder





Loss On Drying






Sieve Analysis

NLT 95% pass 80 mesh


Heavy Metals















Microbiological Testing

Total plate count



Yeast & mold




Not detected

Not detected


Not detected

Not detected

GMO Status



Shelf life and Storage

2 Years. Cool & dry place. Keep away from strong light and heat.


Conform with specification. Non-GMO, Allergen Free, BSE/TSE Free.


red clover isoflavones1. Hormonal Equilibrium: It emulate the impacts of estrogen in the body, assisting with mitigating side effects of hormonal irregular characteristics, for example, hot glimmers, night sweats, and emotional episodes.

2. Cancer prevention agent Security: The cell reinforcement properties of red clover isoflavones assist with combatting oxidative pressure, lessening the gamble of ongoing illnesses and untimely maturing.

3. Bone Wellbeing Backing: Normal supplementation with red clover isoflavones may add to working on bone thickness and decreasing the gamble of osteoporosis.

4. Cardiovascular Wellbeing: It have been displayed to bring down LDL cholesterol levels and work on blood vessel capability, accordingly advancing heart wellbeing.

5. Skin Restoration: It can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by improving collagen production and skin elasticity.

Application Fields

  1. Pharmaceuticals: The pharmaceutical industry develops hormone replacement therapies, bone health supplements, and cardiovascular medications using red clover isoflavones.
  2. Nutraceuticals: Customers looking for natural solutions for menopausal support, bone health, and antioxidant protection favor red clover isoflavone-rich dietary supplements.
  3. Cosmeceuticals: Skincare items consolidating red clover isoflavones offer enemy of maturing benefits, advancing collagen blend, and further developing skin surface and flexibility.

Wellgreen Technology

With a large inventory and complete certificates, Wellgreen Technology is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality red clover isoflavones. We have some expertise in giving OEM and ODM administrations, offering a one-stop answer for your plan needs. Our items go through thorough testing to guarantee immaculateness, intensity, and security. We are dedicated to exceeding your expectations through prompt delivery, secure packaging, and comprehensive customer support.For inquiries, please contact us at
