
Achyranthes Polysaccharides

Active ingredient: Achyranthes Polysaccharides
Product specification:1Kg/bag
Product properties: Off-white or light brown powder, slightly bitter, polysaccharide content ≥ 70%
Shelf life: 2 years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

Achyranthes extract

What are achyranthes polysaccharides?

Achyranthes polysaccharides, obtained from the Achyranthes bidentata plant, stand as a noteworthy regular compound with different medical advantages. Eminent for its rich substance of bioactive polysaccharides, it have earned respect in the drug, nutraceutical, and dietary enhancement businesses for their helpful properties.

Achyranthes polysaccharides are perplexing sugars separated from the underlying foundations of the Achyranthes bidentata plant, otherwise called "Niuxi" in customary Chinese medication. With a set of experiences established in old recuperating rehearses, it have been venerated for their immunomodulatory, mitigating, and cell reinforcement properties. The extraction cycle includes cautious purging to yield a concentrated type of polysaccharide rich in bioactive parts.

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics:

1. Ingredients: The product principally comprises polysaccharide compounds, including arabinose, glucose, galactose, mannose, and xylose.
2. Practical Attributes:
a. Immunomodulatory Impacts: Show immunomodulatory properties, improving the movement of resistant cells and reinforcing the body's guard components against microbes and infections.
b. Mitigating Properties: Studies propose that it have mitigating impacts, lessening aggravation and reducing side effects related with provocative circumstances like joint inflammation and asthma.
c. Cancer prevention agent Movement: The polysaccharides go about as powerful cancer prevention agents, searching free extremists and shielding cells from oxidative harm, in this manner advancing in general wellbeing and prosperity.
d. Hepatoprotective Impacts: It has been shown to help liver wellbeing by advancing detoxification, lessening irritation, and safeguarding against liver harm brought about by poisons and oxidative pressure.

Market Trends and Future Prospects:

The worldwide market for Achyranthes polysaccharides is experiencing huge development, driven by expanding purchaser attention to the medical advantages related with normal and plant-based cures. With a developing emphasis on preventive medical care and all encompassing health, they are building up some forward momentum in the drug, nutraceutical, and dietary enhancement businesses. Besides, progressing examination into the remedial properties of Achyranthes polysaccharides, including their immunomodulatory, mitigating, and hepatoprotective impacts, is supposed to drive further market extension before very long.


1. Immunomodulatory Backing: Achyranthes polysaccharides upgrade resistant capability, supporting the body's safeguard components and advancing by and large wellbeing and flexibility.
2. Mitigating Impacts: The polysaccharides assist with lessening aggravation, reducing side effects related with provocative circumstances and supporting tissue fix.
3. Cancer prevention agent insurance: The polysaccharides go about as powerful cancer prevention agents, searching free extremists and shielding cells from oxidative harm, subsequently advancing life span and essentialness.
4. Hepatoprotective Advantages: The polysaccharides support liver wellbeing by advancing detoxification, lessening aggravation, and safeguarding against liver harm brought about by poisons and oxidative pressure.

Achyranthes polysaccharides

Application Fields:

1. Drug Industry: Achyranthes polysaccharides are used in drug definitions for their immunomodulatory, mitigating, and hepatoprotective impacts, helping with resistance and liver wellbeing.
2. Nutraceuticals: The polysaccharides act as a critical fixing in dietary enhancements pointed toward advancing safe help, irritation, cell reinforcement security, and liver detoxification.
3. Useful Food Sources and Refreshments: It can be integrated into practical food varieties and drinks to upgrade their wholesome profile and wellbeing advancing properties, supporting in general prosperity.
4. Cosmeceuticals: The polysaccharides are used in skincare items for their cancer prevention and calming properties, advancing skin wellbeing and restoration.


WELLGREEN™ maintains the best expectations of value and wellbeing, holding renowned confirmations including ISO9001:2015, ISO22000, HALAL, Genuine, HACCP, and Natural Testament. These accreditations highlight our obligation to convey premium quality products that meet severe administrative necessities and industry guidelines.


Why Choose Us?

1. Unequaled Ability: With long stretches of involvement with the natural concentrate industry, WELLGREEN™ is a confided in forerunner in the creation and supply of Achyranthes polysaccharides.
2. Worldwide Presence: Our regarded image is upheld by overseas workplaces in New Zealand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, as well as a distribution center in the USA, guaranteeing speedy and effective help to clients around the world.
3. Exhaustive Affirmations: We keep a complete cluster of certificates, exhibiting our devotion to quality, security, and consistency at each phase of creation.
4. Incorporated Arrangements: At WELLGREEN™, we offer one-stop standard help, giving quick conveyance, tight bundling, and backing for testing, guaranteeing a consistent encounter for our clients from request to conveyance.


All in all, Achyranthes polysaccharides arise as a flexible and powerful normal compound with an extensive variety of wellbeing advancing properties. From their immunomodulatory and mitigating impacts to their cancer prevention agent and hepatoprotective advantages, The polysaccharides hold tremendous commitment to supporting general wellbeing, imperativeness, and prosperity. With WELLGREEN™ as your believed accomplice, you can get to premium quality products upheld by industry-driving mastery, worldwide presence, and steady obligation to greatness. Reach us today at
