
Carrot Powder

Product Name: Carrot Powder
Source: Red Carrot
Specification: 100% Pure Carrot
Partical Size: 80-100 Mesh
1>Supplement Powder :Drinking, add into Milk, beverage
2>Superfood Pigment Powder
Sample: Free sample 10-20 Grams
Private: Label Available
Certificate: ISO 9001/ISO 22000/USDA Organic/EU Organic/Halal/Kosher

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  • 24/7 Customer Service

Product Introduction

What is Carrot Powder?

Carrot powder is a versatile and nutrient-dense fixing made from ground and dried carrots. It is a helpful expansion to a sound eating regimen since it gives a concentrated wellspring of cell reinforcements, nutrients, and minerals.

It is a finely ground form of dehydrated carrots, produced through a meticulous drying process that removes moisture while retaining the vegetable's natural flavor, color, and nutritional content. It typically consists of 100% pure carrot, with no additives or preservatives, making it a wholesome and natural ingredient.

carrot powderIngredients and Functional Characteristics

  1. Ingredients: Carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron, and antioxidants like beta-carotene make up the majority of it. These supplements add to its various medical advantages.

  2. Useful Qualities:

    • Healthy benefit: It is prestigious for its high dietary benefit, giving fundamental nutrients and minerals that help in general wellbeing and prosperity.

    • Featured Antioxidants: Wealthy in beta-carotene and different cancer prevention agents, it helps battle oxidative pressure and decrease the gamble of constant illnesses.

    • Variety and Flavor Improvement: Carrot powder adds lively variety and an unobtrusive sweet flavor to food and drink items, making it a famous normal fixing in culinary applications.

    • Surface Improvement: In food definitions, it can upgrade surface, dampness maintenance, and time span of usability, adding to further developed item quality.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

  1. Expanding Need: Carrot juice powder is gaining popularity as consumers become more familiar with its health benefits and prefer regular, plant-based ingredients.
  2. Health and Wellness Trends: It is turning out to be progressively famous as a utilitarian fixing in wellbeing enhancements, smoothies, and useful food sources considering the developing accentuation on wellbeing and health.
  3. Clean Imprint Advancement: As clients search for straightforwardness and clean name things, it's typical creation and immaterial dealing with change well to clean check designs.
  4. Improvements in Item Quality: It is tracking down clever purposes in various ventures, including creature feed, drugs, and beauty care products, which is further driving business sector extension.
  5. Future Opportunities: It's market is poised for expansion thanks to ongoing research into its health benefits, mechanical advancements in handling techniques, and growing demand for standard, plant-based ingredients.

Detailed Specifications

Parameter Specification
Appearance Fine powder
Color Orange-red
Flavor Sweet, characteristic aroma
Moisture Content < 6%
Particle Size 80-200 mesh
Solubility Soluble in water
Shelf Life 24 months


  1. Support for antioxidants: It's rich cancer prevention agent content kills free extremists, shielding cells from harm and lessening the gamble of ongoing illnesses.
  2. Vitamin A Supplement: It fills in as a characteristic wellspring of nutrients, especially vitamin A, which is fundamental for vision, resistant capability, and skin wellbeing.
  3. Stomach related Wellbeing: The dietary fiber in the powder advances stomach related wellbeing by supporting ordinary solid discharges and feeding valuable stomach microscopic organisms.
  4. Healthy skin Advantages: Applied topically, it's nutrients and cell reinforcements support and restore the skin, assisting with keeping a sound composition and diminish indications of maturing.
  5. Immune System Assistance: The insusceptible helping properties of carrot add to by and large invulnerable framework capability, upgrading the body's capacity to safeguard against diseases and ailments.

Application Fields

  1. Drinks and Meals: It is broadly utilized in food and refreshment plans, including soups, sauces, pastry shop items, smoothies, and juices, adding variety, flavor, and healthy benefit.
  2. Nutraceuticals: It is a critical fixing in wellbeing supplements and utilitarian food varieties, offering shoppers a helpful method for integrating the medical advantages of carrots into their eating regimen.
  3. Cosmetics: Carrot powder is used in skincare items like creams, salves, and veils, bridling its cancer prevention agent properties to advance skin wellbeing and imperativeness.
  4. Pharmaceuticals: In drug applications, carrot juice powder might be integrated into details for its healthful substance and expected helpful impacts.
  5. Feeding Animals: It is utilized as a characteristic fixing in creature feed to improve supplement content and tastefulness, advancing the wellbeing and prosperity of animals and pets.
carrot function


certificate wellgreen

Good Supplier

Wellgreen Technology is a professional manufacturer and supplier of carrot powder with a large inventory and complete certificates. We support OEM and ODM, providing a one-stop standard service, fast delivery, tight packaging, and comprehensive support for testing. For inquiries and orders, please contact us at

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