
Chokeberry Extract

Product Name: Black Chokeberry Extract
Grade: food Grade
Service: OEM ODM Private Label
Part Used: Fruit
Storage: Cool Dry Place
Particle size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Test method: UV/HPLC
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is Chokeberry Extract?

Chokeberry Extract, derived from the fruits of the chokeberry plant (Aronia melanocarpa), has gained significant attention for its potential health benefits and versatile applications. This article delves into the intricate details of it, covering its product specifics, functional characteristics, market trends, and application fields.

Black Chokeberry Extract

Product Details and Specifications:

The product is obtained from the dark, purple-black berries of the chokeberry plant. These berries are rich in bioactive compounds, including anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenols. The extraction process carefully preserves these beneficial components, ensuring a high-quality end product.

Product Name

chokeberry Extract

Latin Name

Aronia melanocarpa

Maker Compound

10%,15%, 25% anthocyanidin

Origin of Material


Used Part:



Purple red fine powder

Extract solvent

Ethanol & Water

Particle size

100% pass 80 mesh

Loss on Drying

≤ 5.0

Bulk density


Functional Characteristics:

Chokeberry fruit.png    The product boasts an array of functional characteristics that contribute to its growing popularity 

     in the health and wellness sector.

    Antioxidant Properties:The high satisfied of anthocyanins and polyphenols gives it powerful cell 

    reinforcement properties, helping battle oxidative pressure and diminish irritation.

    Cardiovascular Support: Studies suggest that it may contribute to cardiovascular health by 

    promoting healthy blood pressure levels and improving overall heart function.

    Immune System Boost: Rich in vitamins and minerals, it may enhance the immune system, 

    providing a natural defense against infections.

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The anti-inflammatory properties of it make it a valuable addition to 

    formulations targeting inflammatory conditions.

Market Trends and Future Prospects:

As consumer awareness of natural health solutions continues to grow, the product is witnessing a surge in demand. The market trends indicate a preference for clean-label products, driving the popularity of it in dietary supplements, functional foods, and cosmetics.


The product is a natural substance that comes from the Aronia melanocarpa plant and has a lot of uses and benefits. How about we investigate a portion of the vital elements of chokeberry separate:

Cancer prevention agent action: Chokeberry extract is wealthy in cancer prevention agents, especially anthocyanins and flavonoids. These cancer prevention agents assist with killing hurtful free revolutionaries in the body, decreasing oxidative pressure and forestalling cell harm. By searching free extremists, it might help safeguard against persistent infections, like coronary illness, disease, and neurodegenerative problems.

chokeberry function.pngCardiovascular wellbeing support: The product has been read up for its possible cardiovascular advantages. It could assist in lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and enhancing overall heart health. The cancer prevention agents and calming compounds in it add to its cardioprotective impacts by advancing sound veins, decreasing irritation, and upgrading blood stream.

Insusceptible framework support: The resistant helping properties of it have been accounted for in a few examinations. Its high satisfied of L-ascorbic acid, alongside different cell reinforcements, fortifies the insusceptible framework and safeguard against diseases. Standard utilization of chokeberry concentrate might upgrade safe cell capability and work on generally insusceptible reaction.

Calming properties: The product contains different mixtures that display mitigating impacts. It diminishes the creation of supportive of provocative particles and catalysts, in this manner reducing irritation in the body. It's calming properties make it possibly valuable for overseeing fiery circumstances, like joint pain and gastrointestinal problems.

Stomach related wellbeing: The product has been customarily used to help stomach related wellbeing. It might assist with lightening gastrointestinal distress, advance normal solid discharges, and keep a sound stomach. The fiber content in it adds to its stomach related benefits by supporting legitimate processing and gut capability.

Skin wellbeing and magnificence: The product is acquiring prominence in the skincare business for its likely advantages for skin wellbeing and magnificence. It's antioxidants protect the skin from environmental damage and reduce aging-related signs like wrinkles and fine lines. It may likewise meaningfully affect the skin, working on generally coloring and lessening hyperpigmentation.

Weight control: A few investigations recommend that it might have suggestions for weight the board. It might assist with directing craving, increment sensations of completion, and diminish calorie admission. Furthermore, the polyphenols in it have been displayed to have hostile to heftiness impacts by tweaking digestion and fat assimilation.

Oral wellbeing: The product has antimicrobial properties that can assist with combatting oral microbes and advance oral wellbeing. It might assist with inhibitting the development of microorganisms related with dental plaque, pits, and gum sickness. The product is at times utilized in oral consideration items, for example, mouthwashes and toothpaste for its expected advantages in keeping up with oral cleanliness.

It means a lot to take note of that while it shows guarantee in different regions, further exploration is expected to comprehend its systems of activity and viability completely. Before using it for specific purposes, as with any natural ingredient, it is best to consult with experts or medical professionals.

Application Fields:

Nutraceuticals: Chokeberry fruit extract is a critical fixing in different nutraceutical details, adding to the general wellbeing and prosperity of purchasers.

Dietary Supplements: Its antioxidant properties make it a sought-after component in supplements aimed at supporting immune health and overall vitality.

Cosmetics: The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of it make it a valuable addition to skincare products, promoting skin health.

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Wellgreen Technology:

As a leading Chokeberry Extract manufacturer and supplier, Wellgreen Technology offers a wide range of specifications to meet diverse industry needs. With a large inventory and complete certificates, Wellgreen supports OEM and ODM services, ensuring a one-stop standard solution. Fast delivery, tight packaging, and testing support make Wellgreen Technology the preferred choice. For inquiries, contact
