
Flax Seed Extract

Product name: Flax Seed Extract
Appearance: Brown Powder
Active Ingredient: Flax Lignan Powder
Specification: 40%-98%
Sample: Avaliable
Shelf Life: 24 Months
Particle size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Test method: UV/HPLC
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is Flax Seed Extract?

Flax Seed Extract, got from the seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum), has acquired impressive consideration for its assorted medical advantages and nutritional value. This natural extract has been used for a really long time because of its rich sythesis of essential nutrients and bioactive mixtures. As purchasers progressively look for natural and holistic to deal with prosperity, it has arisen as a noticeable fixing in the wellbeing and health industry.

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

Flax Seed Extract.pngFlax Seed Extract is famous for its high content of omega-3 unsaturated fats, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Also, it contains lignans, fiber, and different nutrients and minerals. These parts add to its cell reinforcement, mitigating, and cardiovascular wellbeing advancing properties.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Notable to contain high centralizations of omega-3 fatty acids, especially ALA, is flax seed separate. Omega-3 fatty acids have been connected to various advantages, including diminished incendiary reactions, further developed heart wellbeing, and backing for mind capability. These fats are absolutely necessary for good health.

Lignans: Flax seeds are one of the most extravagant plant wellsprings of lignans, which are phytochemicals with cell reinforcement and estrogen-like properties. Lignans have been read up for their likely job in lessening the gamble of specific malignant growths, working on hormonal equilibrium, and supporting generally health.

Fiber: Flax seeds are an incredible wellspring of dietary fiber, both dissolvable and insoluble. This fiber content adds to stomach related wellbeing by advancing standard solid discharges, forestalling stoppage, and supporting a sound stomach microbiota. Furthermore, fiber can assist with controlling glucose levels and advance a sensation of totality, which might support weight the board.

Vitamins and minerals: Vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium are a few the minerals and enhancements found in it. Vitamin E is major areas of strength for a support that shields cells from oxidative damage, while minerals like magnesium and manganese expect huge parts in different actual cycles, including energy creation and bone prosperity.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

The market for the Extract is seeing strong development, powered by expanding shopper attention to its medical advantages. The rising interest for regular and plant-based fixings further moves the market. As examination keeps on divulging new helpful applications, what's to come possibilities of it seem promising, with potential open doors in dietary enhancements, practical food sources, and drugs.

Specifications and Parameters

Botanical SourceLinum usitatissimum
Omega-3 Fatty Acid ContentHigh (predominantly ALA)
Lignan ContentAbundant
FormPowder, Oil, Capsules, Extract
SolubilitySoluble in oil, insoluble in water


Flax Extract.png1. Cardiovascular Health: Flax Seed Extract's rich omega-3 unsaturated fat substance maintains heart prosperity by reducing beat, cholesterol levels, and irritation. These advantages reduce cardiovascular disease risk when taken together.

2. Antioxidant Properties: By killing free revolutionaries, lignans and different cancer prevention agents in it safeguard cells from oxidative pressure. Consequently, this could lessen the likelihood of making progressing diseases and lift by and large prosperity.

3. Digestive Health: The fiber content in it helps processing and advances a solid stomach. It can mitigate clogging and support a fair stomach related framework.

4. Joint Health: The mitigating properties of the product might help people with joint circumstances, giving alleviation from aggravation and uneasiness.

5. Cognitive Function: Omega-3 unsaturated fats, especially ALA, are related with mental wellbeing. It might uphold cerebrum capability and diminish the gamble old enough related mental deterioration.

Application Fields

1. Nutraceuticals: An essential part of nutraceuticals, Flax Seed Extract assumes a part in the plan of enhancements that help generally wellbeing and health.

2. Functional Foods: The extract is integrated into practical food varieties, for example, energy bars, cereals, and prepared products, upgrading their nourishing profile.

3. Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical companies utilize it in the development of cardiovascular medications and supplements.

4. Cosmeceuticals: Because of its cell reinforcement properties, It is tracking down its direction into skincare items, giving enemy of maturing benefits and advancing skin wellbeing.

Wellgreen Technology

In conclusion, Flax Seed Extract stands as a versatile and beneficial natural ingredient, offering a range of health advantages. With a rich composition of omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and other vital nutrients, its applications span across nutraceuticals, functional foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmeceuticals. 

For high-quality products, consider Wellgreen Technology. As a leading manufacturer and supplier, Wellgreen Technology boasts a large inventory and complete certificates. They support OEM and ODM, providing a one-stop standard service, fast delivery, tight packaging, and comprehensive testing support. Contact Wellgreen Technology at to explore the possibilities of incorporating premium it into your products.

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