
Lonicera Edulis Extract

Product Name: lonicera edulis Anthocyanins
Latin Name: Lonicera caerulea L.
Appearance: Purple Fine Powder
Specification: 25%
Part Used: Fruit
Storage: Cool Dry Place
Particle size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Test method: UV/HPLC
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is Lonicera Edulis Extract?

Lonicera Edulis fruit Extract.pngLonicera Edulis Extract, got from the honeysuckle plant, is acquiring huge consideration in the market because of its assorted applications and potential medical advantages. This concentrate is wealthy in remarkable mixtures that add to its unmistakable utilitarian qualities. In this article, we dig into the subtleties of it, investigating its fixings, practical attributes, market patterns, and future possibilities.

The blue honeysuckle fruit contains anthocyanins, carotene, anthocyanins and other chemical components. It has the effect of lowering blood pressure, improving myocardial ischemia, improving children's vision and preventing skin aging. Its fruit can be eaten fresh, can be made into drinks, jams, fruit cakes and fruit wine; It is also a natural purplish red pigment and can be used as a food additive.

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics:

Ingredients:The product contains a blend of bioactive compounds, including chlorogenic acid, luteolin, and quercetin. These ingredients contribute to the extract's therapeutic properties and antioxidant capabilities.

Functional Characteristics:

Cancer prevention agent Properties: The product effectively neutralizes free radicals and protects cells from oxidative stress thanks to its high antioxidant content.

Mitigating Advantages: The concentrate displays mitigating properties, possibly supporting the administration of fiery circumstances.

Safe Framework Backing: The extract's compounds may help regulate the immune system, thereby improving health as a whole.

Specifications and Parameters:

      Purple red powder



Sieve Analysis

      100 mesh


      1%-70% UV

Heavy Metal

      ≤10 PPM



Loss on drying


Total Plate Count


E. Coil





Lonicera Edulis Extract.pngLonicera caerulea Extract, got from the honeysuckle plant, is a characteristic fixing that offers a scope of capabilities and advantages. How about we investigate a portion of the critical elements of Lonicera edulis extricate:   

Cancer prevention agent action: The product is wealthy in cancer prevention agents, including phenolic mixtures and flavonoids. These cancer prevention agents assist with killing hurtful free revolutionaries in the body, decreasing oxidative pressure and forestalling cell harm. The product may benefit one's overall health and well-being if taken orally or topically.

Calming properties: Lonicera caerulea Extract has been found to have mitigating impacts. Pro-inflammatory molecules like cytokines and enzymes, which are involved in the body's inflammatory processes, are inhibited by it. This makes Lonicera edulis separate possibly helpful for overseeing aggravation related conditions, like joint pain and skin disturbances.

Skin wellbeing and magnificence: The product is ordinarily utilized in skincare items because of its likely advantages for skin wellbeing and excellence. Its cancer prevention agent and mitigating properties assist with safeguarding the skin against natural harm, lessen redness, and calm aggravation. The product may likewise advance collagen amalgamation, further developing skin flexibility and solidness. It is much of the time remembered for lotions, serums, covers, and other skincare definitions.

Insusceptible framework support: The mixtures present in Lonicera edulis extricate have resistant supporting properties. They support the body's defense against infections and diseases by boosting the activity of immune cells like natural killer cells and lymphocytes. Ordinary utilization of it might assist with reinforcing the safe framework and work on by and large resistant capability.

Antimicrobial impacts: Lonicera edulis  extract displays antimicrobial properties, making it successful against specific microscopic organisms and growths. It might assist with inhibitting the development of microbes on the skin, scalp, or in the body when consumed. The product's antimicrobial movement makes it appropriate for use in private consideration items and oral cleanliness definitions.

Stomach related wellbeing: Lonicera Edulis Extract has customarily been utilized to help stomach related wellbeing. It is accepted to soothingly affect the stomach related framework and assist with lightening gastrointestinal inconvenience. It may likewise have gentle diuretic properties, advancing standard defecations and keeping up with stomach related consistency.

Cardiovascular wellbeing support: A few examinations propose that it might have possible cardiovascular advantages. It might assist with bringing down circulatory strain and lessen cholesterol levels, adding to heart wellbeing. Notwithstanding, further exploration is expected to comprehend its instruments and remedial impacts completely.

Culinary purposes: Notwithstanding its practical properties, it is likewise utilized in culinary applications. It tends to be added to different food and drink items, including teas, juices, jams, and sweets, to give a remarkable flavor and potential medical advantages.

The King of Antioxidant - Lonicera Edulis Extract

Lonicera Edulis Extract contains a large number of antioxidants, among which anthocyanin-3-glucoside is the most abundant antioxidant substance in Lonicera Edulis Extract Powder, which can exert the greatest antioxidant capacity. Therefore, Lonicera Edulis Extract Powder is also known as the "king of antioxidant" and has certain medicinal value and is a good resource of natural antioxidants. Antioxidants can help the human body to remove free radicals, reduce oxidative damage to cells, and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

In recent years, researches on the antioxidant activity of Lonicera Edulis Extract Powder have been reported in famous academic journals such as Food Science and Technology, Land and Natural Resources Research, Food and Fermentation Industry, etc. For example, a well-known university research team comprehensively evaluated the in vitro antioxidant capacity of different berries by comparing the in vitro antioxidant activity determination methods of five small berries, and published the article "Determination and principal component Analysis of antioxidant activity and related nutrients of five small berries".


In this paper, the antioxidant capacity of five kinds of small berries in Heilongjiang Province was comprehensively evaluated in vitro. It was found that the content of anthocyanins, total flavonoids and total polyphenols in blue Lonicera Edulis Extract Powder was relatively the highest, the content of nutrients was more abundant, and the antioxidant activity in vitro was relatively stronger.

PC1 mainly comprehensively reflects the nutrient content of berries, PC2 mainly reflects the antioxidant activity of berries in vitro, and PC3 mainly reflects the total acid content of berries.

Studies have shown that Lonicera Edulis Extract Powder is more abundant in anthocyanins, total polyphenols, total flavonoids and other nutrients, and has stronger antioxidant capacity in vitro, ranking first among the five berries tested.


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Wellgreen Technology: 

Concluding this exploration, Wellgreen Technology stands out as a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Lonicera Edulis Extract. With a substantial inventory and complete certificates, Wellgreen supports OEM and ODM services. The company ensures a one-stop standard service, fast delivery, tight packaging, and offers testing support. For inquiries, please contact Wellgreen Technology at conclusion, it emerges as a promising natural ingredient with diverse applications,and Wellgreen Technology is positioned as a reliable partner for those seeking premium quality extracts.
