
Platycladus Orientalis Extract

Product Name:Platycladus Orientalis Seeds
Spec:10:1 20:1
Appearance:Brownish Yellow Fine Powder
Shelf Life:24 Months
Packing Details:1kg/bag;25kgs/drum
Storage:Cool Dry Place
Particle size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Test method: UV/HPLC
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Packaging: 1-5kg/Aluminum foil bag ;25kg/Drum or OEM
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

  • Fast Delievery
  • Quality Assurance
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Product Introduction

What is Platycladus Orientalis Extract?

Platycladus Orientalis Extract, got from the evergreen coniferous tree, stands firm on a remarkable foothold in the domain of normal extracts. Our product has gathered consideration for its flexible applications and promising advantages in different enterprises. Otherwise called Chinese Thuja separate, wealthy in bioactive mixtures add to its helpful and corrective properties.

Platycladus Orientalis Extract

Our product has been generally perused up for its malignant growth anticipation specialist properties. Disease counteraction specialists expect an essential part in protecting cells from oxidative tension, which is connected with various clinical issues, including developing, disturbance, and progressing disorders. The extract's cancer prevention agent action advances generally speaking wellbeing and prosperity by killing hurtful free revolutionaries and diminishing oxidative harm.

Besides, our product makes exhibited critical mitigating impacts. Irritation is a characteristic reaction of the body to injury or contamination yet can become persistent and lead to different infections if uncontrolled. The extract's mitigating properties assist with decreasing irritation by hindering the development of favorable to fiery cytokines and catalysts, subsequently easing side effects and advancing recuperating. Notwithstanding its cancer prevention agent and mitigating properties, our product has shown likely in supporting cardiovascular wellbeing. 

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

1. Ingredients: Flavonoids, terpenoids, and polysaccharides are just a few of the phytochemicals found in Platycladus Orientalis Leaf Extract. These normal mixtures add to the extract's intense cancer prevention agent and mitigating properties.

2. Functional Characteristics:

◆ Solid enemy of oxidative properties: Cells are protected from oxidative pressure brought about by destructive free extremists on account of the extract's strong cancer prevention agent movement. The disease counteraction specialists present in the extract kill these free fanatics, lessening cell hurt and progressing for the most part prosperity and life expectancy.

Calming Properties: Because our product has anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used in skincare products to calm and soothe irritated skin.

Skin Hydration:Our product's polysaccharides enhance skin hydration, resulting in a complexion that is both healthier and more radiant.

Market Trends and Future Possibilities

Platycladus Orientalis Extract has seen a flood popular, driven by the developing pattern towards regular and reasonable fixings in different businesses. The corrective and skincare areas, specifically, have embraced the extract for its skin-accommodating properties. Future possibilities propose an extending portion of the overall industry, as customers progressively look for plant-based options for individual consideration and wellbeing items.


Test items and results







Physical&Chemical Testing


Brown fine powder





Sieve Analysis

NLT 95% Through 80 mesh


Residue On Ignition



Loss On Drying



Heavy Metals



Lead (Pb)



Arsenic (As)









Microbiological Testing

Total plate count







Not detected

Not detected


Not detected

Not detected

Shelf life and Storage

2 Years. Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place.

Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.


Conform with specification.


1. Antimicrobial Properties: Our product has shown antimicrobial action, making it a compelling fixing in details intended to battle skin contaminations and skin break out.

2. UV Blocking: Our product offers a level of UV insurance, protecting the skin from unsafe bright beams. Because of this property, it can be useful in sunscreens and other skincare products.

3. Collagen Amalgamation: Studies recommend that our item might animate collagen amalgamation, adding to the support of skin flexibility and solidness.

4. Cancer prevention agent Action :Our product displays powerful cell reinforcement action because of its high happy of bioactive mixtures, including flavonoids, polysaccharides, terpenoids, and phenolic acids. These mixtures rummage free revolutionaries and diminish oxidative pressure, which can make harm cells and add to maturing, aggravation, and constant infections.

5. Mitigating Properties: Irritation is a characteristic reaction to injury or contamination, however uncontrolled aggravation can prompt different sicknesses. Our product has mitigating properties that assist with diminishing irritation by repressing the development of favorable to provocative cytokines and chemicals. This makes it a promising normal option for the counteraction and treatment of provocative related sicknesses.

6. Cardiovascular Wellbeing: Our product has shown expected in supporting cardiovascular wellbeing by lessening pulse and further developing lipid profiles. Studies have demonstrated that the extract might assist with bringing down degrees of complete cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and fatty oils, which are all hazard factors for cardiovascular sicknesses.

7. Other Medical advantages: Our product has likewise been accounted for to have other medical advantages, for example, advancing liver wellbeing, diminishing glucose levels, and working on mental capability.

Application Field

1. Skincare and Cosmetics: Platycladus Orientalis Leaf Extract, which is frequently utilized in skincare and cosmetics, can be found in lotions, creams, and serums. Its easing properties make it sensible for plans zeroing in on delicate skin.

2. Pharmaceuticals: The pharmaceutical industry makes topical medications and ointments using the extract's antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Possible Anticancer Action: Starter research recommends thatour product might have anticancer properties. It shows guarantee in repressing the development and multiplication of malignant growth cells, and actuating customized cell passing (apoptosis). To fully comprehend its potential in cancer treatment and prevention, additional research is required.

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Quality Assurance

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Wellgreen Technology

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of Platycladus Orientalis Extract, Wellgreen Technology stands at the forefront of delivering high-quality extracts to meet diverse industry needs. With a vast inventory and comprehensive certifications, Wellgreen Technology supports OEM and ODM requirements. The company prides itself on offering a one-stop standard service, ensuring fast delivery, tight packaging, and facilitating testing. For inquiries and collaboration opportunities, please contact Wellgreen Technology at

All in all, our product arises as a promising normal fixing with multi-layered benefits, ready to make huge commitments to the corrective, drug, and nutraceutical enterprises.Its diverse applications and positive market trends underscore its potential as a preferred choice for formulations seeking natural and effective solutions.

Hot Tags: Platycladus Orientalis Extract, platycladus orientalis leaf extract, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory, Bulk, Price, Wholesale, In Stock, Free Sample, Pure, Natural
