
Polyporus Umbellatus Extract

Latin name: Polyporus umbillatus(Pers)Fr.
Appearance: Brown Yellow Powder
Grade: food Grade
Active Ingredient Polyporus Umbellatus Powder
Particle Size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Storage: Cool Dry Place
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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  • Quality Assurance
  • 24/7 Customer Service

Product Introduction

What is Polyporus umbellatus Extract?

Polyporus umbellatus extract.pngPolyporus umbellatus extract, derived from the Polyporus umbellatus fungus, is a natural health supplement gaining prominence in the market. Also known as Zhu Ling in traditional Chinese medicine, this extract has a rich history of use in herbal remedies. With a focus on holistic well-being, It is making waves in the health and wellness industry.

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics


Polyporus umbellatus extract primarily contains bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides, triterpenoids, and ergosterol. These elements contribute to the extract's therapeutic properties.

Functional Characteristics:

Immune System Boost: It is renowned for its immune-boosting properties, stimulating the body's natural defenses against infections.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The extract exhibits potent anti-inflammatory effects, making it a valuable supplement for managing inflammatory conditions.

Antioxidant Power: With a high antioxidant content, it helps combat oxidative stress and promotes overall cellular health.

Diuretic Properties: Traditionally recognized for its diuretic effects, the extract aids in kidney health and fluid balance.

Market Trends and Future Prospects:

Increasing Demand:

The global demand for natural health supplements has fueled the popularity of the extract.

Consumers are seeking alternatives to synthetic medications, driving the market for botanical extracts.

Research and Development:

Ongoing research on it's potential benefits is expanding its applications.

Scientists are exploring its role in addressing metabolic disorders and promoting cardiovascular health.

Future Prospects:

The extract is poised for significant growth as awareness of its health benefits continues to spread.

Collaborations between researchers and industry players are likely to unveil new applications and formulations.


Test items and results







Physical&Chemical Testing


Yellow brown fine powder





Sieve Analysis

NLT 95% Through 80 mesh


Residue On Ignition



Loss On Drying



Heavy Metals



Lead (Pb)



Arsenic (As)









Microbiological Testing

Total plate count







Not detected

Not detected


Not detected

Not detected


Not detected

Not detected

Shelf life and Storage

2 Years. Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place.

Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.


Conform with specification.


Polyporus umbellatus.pngSafe Adjustment:

An essential capability of Polyporus umbellatus extract lies in its capacity to tweak the safe framework. Wealthy in polysaccharides and triterpenoids, the extract goes about as an immunomodulator, improving the body's protection components. This resistant tweaking capability is especially applicable in the present wellbeing scene, where the attention on proactive safe help is more articulated than any other time.

Cell reinforcement Guard:

One more key capability is its part in the cell reinforcement guard. The triterpenoids and different cancer prevention agents present in the extract add to killing free extremists, safeguarding cells from oxidative pressure. By supporting the body's cancer prevention agent protections, the extract helps with keeping up with cell wellbeing and alleviating the effect of natural variables on by and large prosperity.

Stomach-related help:

It has a conventional capability in relieving the stomach related framework. Its consideration in wellbeing definitions is frequently connected with its capacity to help stomach related wellbeing. Whether tending to periodic uneasiness or advancing gastrointestinal equilibrium, the extract's stomach related help capability makes it a significant part in details focusing on comprehensive health.

Renal Wellbeing:

Renal health is one more aspect of its capability, ascribed to its diuretic properties. The extract might aid the end of abundance liquids and waste, advancing solid kidney capability. As a fixing in items zeroed in on renal help, the extract offers a characteristic way to deal with keeping up with ideal kidney wellbeing.

Application Fields:

Nutraceuticals and Dietary Enhancements:

It has laid out a critical presence in the nutraceutical and dietary enhancement markets. Its insusceptible helping properties, cancer prevention agent protection capability, and adaptogenic characteristics make it an ideal element for definitions pointed toward supporting by and large well-being.

Customary Medication Details:

Established in customary Chinese medication, the extract keeps on finding applications in details inside the conventional medication space. Its capabilities in safe balance, stomach-related help, and renal wellbeing line up with the standards of conventional medication, making it an important part of homegrown definitions tending to a scope of wellbeing concerns.

Food sources and Refreshments:

The joining of it into utilitarian food varieties and drinks is on the ascent. Its adaptogenic characteristics and stomach related help capability make it an alluring choice for items pointed toward advancing generally speaking prosperity.

Skincare and Excellence Items:

The cell reinforcement and mitigating elements of it make it a sought-after fixing in skincare and excellence items.

application area.jpg

Wellgreen Technology: 

Wellgreen Technology stands as a leading polyporus umbellatus extract manufacturer and supplier. With a vast inventory and comprehensive certifications, Wellgreen ensures quality and reliability. Offering OEM and ODM services, Wellgreen provides a one-stop solution with fast delivery, secure packaging, and support for testing. For inquiries, contact Wellgreen Technology at
