
Soy Milk Powder

Product Name: Soy Milk Powder
Color: Yellow Powder
Application: Food Supplement
Storage: Cool Dry Place
Usage: Instant Food
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Packaging: 1-5kg/Aluminum foil bag ;25kg/Drum or OEM
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is Soy Milk Powder?

Soy milk powder.pngSoy milk powder is a sort of powder produced using soybeans that has become progressively famous as a flexible and nutritious option in contrast to customary dairy items. To generate a very fine material, soybeans are first stripped of their fluid and then dried. To generate a very fine material, soybeans are first stripped of their fluid and then dried.This powder can be used to make soy milk when mixed in with water, or it will in general be added to various food assortments like warmed product, smoothies, and soups to help their healthy substance. Inferable from its many advantages, for example, its capacity to decrease cholesterol, it is a well known substitute for cow's milk.

Soy milk contains plant-based compounds called phytosterols, which are obscure being made to cholesterol and can help with halting the digestion of cholesterol in the body. This goes with soy milk an ideal decision for the individuals who are hoping to further develop their heart wellbeing and decrease their gamble of cardiovascular illnesses. One more benefit of the product is its low fat substance. Not by any stretch like cow's milk, which is high in sprinkled fat, soy milk contains regularly unsaturated fats, including omega-3 unsaturated fats. This can assist with lessening the gamble of stoutness, hypertension, and other medical problems related with an eating regimen high in soaked fats. Notwithstanding its low fat substance,powder soy milk is additionally high in protein. Protein is fundamental for building and fixing tissues in the body, as well with respect to keeping a solid safe framework. Soy milk is a finished protein source with a quality equivalent to that of creature inferred proteins since it contains each of the nine fundamental amino acids.

Furthermore, it is a decent wellspring of enhancements and minerals like calcium, iron, and vitamin D, picking it a solid and strong decision for those hoping to integrate more plant-based food collections into their eating regimens.


1.Rich Dietary Profile: Soy milk powder offers a different scope of fundamental supplements that add to by and large wellbeing. It has a great deal of protein, dietary fiber, nutrients, and minerals, so it has a decent healthful profile that assists different physical processes and makes you with feeling better overall.

2.Stomach related Wellbeing: The high fiber content in the product advances solid processing and helps in keeping a decent stomach microbiome. Fiber controls solid discharges, forestalls obstruction, and supports a sound stomach related framework.


3.Cardiovascular Advantages: Studies have shown that soy-based items, including soy milk, may decidedly affect cardiovascular wellbeing. The presence of plant-based intensifies like phytosterols in soy milk can assist with bringing down cholesterol levels, decreasing the gamble of coronary illness and working on in general cardiovascular prosperity.

4.Bone Wellbeing: Calcium and vitamin D, the two of which are important for keeping areas of strength for bones sound, are added to the item.Calcium is pivotal for bone thickness and strength, while vitamin D guides in calcium retention, guaranteeing legitimate bone arrangement and lessening the gamble of osteoporosis.

5.Weight The executives: With its high protein content, it can be an important expansion to a fair eating routine, especially for those zeroed in on weight the board. Protein can support keeping up with or building slender bulk, which is fundamental for a solid digestion and weight the executives, and it advances satiety, which keeps you feeling more full for longer. By integrating it into your eating regimen, you can partake in a protein-rich choice that upholds your weight the executives objectives.

Application Fields

1. Food and Beverage Industry: It is a flexible element for creating without dairy items like drinks, sweets, and prepared merchandise.

2. Nutraceuticals:Because of its healthy benefit, it is utilized in supplement detailing.

3. Cosmetics and Personal Care:Integrated into restorative details for its skin-feeding properties.

4. Institutional Catering:Ideal for taking special care of different dietary inclinations in enormous scope food administration activities.

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Contact Us

Wellgreen Innovation stands apart as an expert producer and provider of the product, offering an enormous stock and complete endorsements. Spend significant time in OEM and ODM administrations, Wellgreen furnishes a one-stop arrangement with quick conveyance, secure bundling, and backing for testing. For requests, contact Wellgreen Innovation at

All in all, it is a flexible and nutritious item, encountering a flood popular because of its various advantages and applications. Whether in the food and refreshment industry, nutraceuticals, beauty care products, or past, it keeps on assuming a vital part in gathering the different requirements of customers around the world.

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