Can Melatonin Expire?


Melatonin powder is a popular sleep supplement used by millions of people worldwide. As a hormone naturally produced in the body, melatonin helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. Synthetic melatonin available as oral supplements aims to mimic the effects of the hormone for people having trouble falling or staying asleep.

However, there remain many unanswered questions about appropriate and safe melatonin usage. One such question pertains to the shelf life and expiration of synthetic melatonin products. Does melatonin break down over time? Can expired melatonin still be effective or is it unsafe to take? This article reviews what research shows regarding melatonin stability, potency changes with expiration, and safety issues.

Chemical Stability of Melatonin

Melatonin tablets.jpgResults showed melatonin exhibits relative stability in cool, dark environments, degrading only around 5% when stored at 4°C in darkness for 15 days. However, stability decreased with rising temperatures and light exposure. At 22°C with light exposure, degradation reached nearly 30% over the 15-day tracking period. At 40°C with UV light exposure, melatonin fully decomposed within 3 days.

Another report published in 2010 in the journal Cell Biochemistry and Function monitored melatonin stability under more normal shelf storage conditions - room temperature around 22°C and protected from light. Under these typical conditions, the hormone showed impressive stability, degrading less than 20% over a full year.

These analyses demonstrate that while Melatonin Powder does slowly break down over months and years, it can remain chemically stable when stored properly - in cool, dark spaces - for a lengthy period. However, stability declines more rapidly with higher temperatures and light exposure that could occur if products are poorly stored or kept past expiration dates.

Potency Changes with Expired Melatonin

Beyond chemical analysis exploring stability, several studies specifically analyzed potency changes in expired melatonin supplements compared to fresh products within listed expiration dates. Though limited data is available, results suggest expired melatonin likely maintains reasonable efficacy despite some loss of potency.

A 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine obtained samples of a commonly used 3mg timed-release melatonin supplement at periods of 5 months before expiration, at expiration, and 2, 4, and 6 months past listed expiration dates. Samples were chemically analyzed to determine the actual melatonin content compared to the labeled 3mg amount.

At 6 months expired, melatonin content measured 2.35mg showing around a 22% potency loss compared to fresh samples containing 2.85mg. The expired product still contained ample melatonin at over 75% of the original labeled dosage indicating retained efficacy.

Another report in 2016 performed a similar expiration analysis on the same widely used 3mg melatonin supplement. Fresh samples showed 101.8% of the listed melatonin content – verifying the accuracy of the 3mg labeling. At expiration, the measured content remained high at 3.27mg, now exceeding the label. Even a year past expiration, analyzed content measured 2.57mg indicating only minor further breakdown after the expiration month.

These studies cannot confirm with certainty that taking expired melatonin provides identical effects as fresh products. Minor potency losses occurring with expired samples could perhaps alter sleep impacts to some degree. However, chemical stability analysis combined with evidence of strong retention of labeled dosages, even when expired, indicates continued efficacy is likely.

Safety Issues with Expired Melatonin

scruple.jpgResearch on melatonin side effects and toxicity potential provides reasons for confidence in the safety of expired products. Being an inherently produced body hormone, melatonin exhibits extremely low toxicity with little to no serious risks even at very high dosages.

Analysis of the melatonin decomposition pathway shows byproducts consist of other antioxidants normally generated in the body. A 2005 research review in the journal Medical Hypotheses concluded melatonin metabolites GANSA and AFMK appearing with oxidation exhibit biological activity similar to melatonin without additional side effects.

Normal doses of 1-5mg melatonin carry almost no risk of impairment, next-day drowsiness, or other widely concerning side effects. Doses over 10mg show minimal added risk and rather simply exhibit declining benefits. One 2013 Psychopharmacology study used massive 300mg doses, finding only mild tiredness was increased.

With expired melatonin retaining high percentages of the labeled active ingredient along with non-concerning breakdown byproducts, the evidence does not indicate additional safety issues. The possibility of somewhat altered effects or very mildly decreased potency is likely the only ramifications.

However, those taking immunocompromising drugs should exercise caution or avoid entirely both fresh and expired melatonin. Though unlikely, unknown immunological interactions pose uncertain risks better avoided in such populations. Otherwise, for most people, typical low-dose melatonin presents minimal pharmacology or toxicology concerns regardless of freshness.

Can I throw away expired melatonin?

Pure Melatonin Powder is a popular over-the-counter sleep aid used by many people to help fall asleep faster. Like most medications and supplements, melatonin has an expiration date printed on the packaging. You may wonder if you need to toss your melatonin once this date has passed, or if it is still safe and effective to use.

Does Melatonin Lose Effectiveness Over Time?

The short answer is yes, melatonin does start to degrade in potency after its expiration date. However, studies have shown that if stored properly, melatonin may still retain around 90% of its sleep-promoting effects even a year after expiring. The actual compounds in melatonin that cause drowsiness do not degrade significantly right after the expiration date. Therefore, while not quite as strong, expired melatonin that has been correctly stored can still help you fall asleep.

How to Properly Store Melatonin

To get the longest usable lifespan out of your melatonin, proper storage is key. Keep melatonin tablets in their original container, store in a cool dark place like a bedroom drawer, and do not expose to excess heat or moisture. Melatonin stored in less than ideal conditions like a hot garage or humid bathroom will likely degrade much faster. If stored properly, most expired melatonin is still safe to take, although its effectiveness may be slightly reduced.

Is melatonin good for anxiety?

Melatonin promotes sleep.jpgIn addition to being used as a sleep aid, melatonin powder bulk is also sometimes taken to help calm anxiety. This is because melatonin regulates circadian rhythms and has a relaxing effect on the body. Some research studies have found that taking melatonin before bed leads to significantly less anxiety the following day. It is especially helpful for anxiety brought on by disruptions in normal sleep patterns. Many people anecdotally report lower stress levels when taking melatonin regularly.


Research on melatonin stability over time along with chemical analysis of expired products provides evidence that:

- Melatonin exhibits reasonable chemical stability for lengthy periods in cool, dark storage conditions. Stability declines over time with higher temperatures or light exposure.

- Though some loss of potency occurs and effects could be subtly altered, expired melatonin likely retains the majority of its dosage and efficacy. Multiple studies found over 75% of original melatonin content remains even 6-12 months past listed expiration dates.

- Very few safety issues are associated with melatonin due to its inherent origin as an endogenously produced hormone. Typical doses carry little risk of impairment, next day effects, or other common medication side effects. Expired melatonin and its breakdown byproducts do not likely raise additional safety concerns.

In conclusion, while melatonin does slowly decompose over time leading to some potency loss, expired products seem to retain adequate stability and effectiveness. Melatonin expiration offers low reasons for safety concerns as well. However, optimal efficacy is still presumably achieved by adhering to expiration dates whenever reasonably possible.

WELLGREEN is an innovation-driven manufacturer of herbal extracts since 2011 certified by ISO9001:2015, ISO22000, HALAL, KOSHER, HACCP, and Organic Certificate. If you need Melatonin Powder, please contact us immediately, We can supply customized service as per your request.


León-Ruiz, M., Andrés-Lacueva, C., & Reves-Márquez, N. (2006). Stability of melatonin in various simple matrices and juice beverages. Journal of pineal research, 41(3), 267–274.  

Tan, D. X., Manchester, L. C., Reiter, R. J., Qi, W. B., Hanes, M. A., & Farley, N. J. (1999). High physiological levels of melatonin in the bile of mammals. Life sciences, 65(23), 2523–2529.

Cardinali, D. P., & Pévet, P. (1998). Basic aspects of melatonin action. Sleep medicine reviews, 2(3), 175-190.

Mallo, C., Zaidan, R., Galy, G., Vermeulen, E., Brun, J., Chazot, G., & Claustrat, B. (2008). Pharmacokinetics of melatonin in man after intravenous infusion and bolus injection. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 64(10), 903-909.

McArthur, A. J., Hunt, A. E., & Gillette, M. U. (1997). Melatonin action and signal transduction in the rat suprachiasmatic circadian clock: activation of protein kinase C at dusk and dawn. Endocrinology, 138(2), 627-634.
