
EGCG Powder

Product Name: Epigallocatechin gallate,EGCG
CAS No.: 989-51-5
Raw Material: EGCG is Extracted from Green Tea,is the main component of biological activity of tea polyphenols.
Main component: EGCG
Molecular weight: 458.37
Formula: C22H18011
Packaging: 1kg,l Aluminum bag. Insider: double PE bag.
Storage: Avoid light,dry, cool place
Appearance: Light yellow or white brown powder,easily soluble in water and alcohol
Specification: EGCG 50%-98%(HPLC)
Application: Drug,Health food, food,beverage, cosmetic.

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Product Introduction

What is EGCG Powder?

In the domain of dietary enhancements, one compound has accumulated critical consideration for its potential medical advantages: EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) powder. This flexible substance, got from green tea, has been the subject of various logical investigations investigating its different applications and helpful properties. From its sub-atomic structure to its viability in advancing by and large prosperity, EGCG Powder offers an abundance of opportunities for wellbeing cognizant purchasers and specialists the same.

EGCG Powder

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

1.1 Fixings: The product fundamentally comprises of epigallocatechin gallate, a sort of catechin found in overflow in green tea leaves. Catechins are a class of flavonoids known for their cell reinforcement properties, and the product is viewed as one of the most strong among them.

1.2 Utilitarian Attributes: The productr brags an exhibit utilitarian attributes that add to its inescapable notoriety:

  • Cell reinforcement Properties:It is a strong cancer prevention agent that kills destructive free extremists in the body, in this manner lessening oxidative pressure and supporting cell wellbeing.
  • Metabolic Help: Studies propose that the product might help with weight the executives by advancing thermogenesis and fat oxidation, making it a well known fixing in weight reduction supplements.
  • Cardiovascular Wellbeing: Research shows that the product might uphold cardiovascular wellbeing by further developing lipid profiles, lessening aggravation, and improving endothelial capability.
  • Neuroprotection: The product shows neuroprotective properties, perhaps safeguarding against age-related mental decay and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • Hostile to Malignant growth Potential: Starter studies recommend that the product might have against disease properties, repressing the development and expansion of malignant growth cells and advancing apoptosis.

Market Patterns and Future Possibilities:

The market for egcg green tea extract powder keeps on extending quickly, determined by developing buyer familiarity with its medical advantages and expanding interest for regular, plant-based supplements. As examination into the products remedial likely advances, its applications are supposed to expand further, energizing proceeded with market development before long. With continuous development and product improvement, the product is ready to keep up with its situation as a main fixing in the worldwide dietary enhancement industry.

Detailed Specifications

Parameter Specification
Appearance Fine powder
Color Light yellow-green
Purity ≥ 98%
Solubility Soluble in water and ethanol
Odor Characteristic odor
Particle Size ≤ 100 mesh
Loss on Drying ≤ 5%
Heavy Metals ≤ 10 ppm
Total Plate Count ≤ 10,000 CFU/g
Yeast and Mold ≤ 100 CFU/g
E. coli Negative
Salmonella Negative


green tea powder3.1 Cancer prevention agent Action: EGCG powder applies strong cancer prevention agent impacts, searching free revolutionaries and shielding cells from oxidative harm. By killing receptive oxygen species (ROS),the product mitigates oxidative pressure and its related wellbeing gambles, including aggravation, maturing, and ongoing infections.

3.2 Metabolic Help: The product has been displayed to adjust different metabolic cycles, including lipid digestion and energy use. By improving thermogenesis and advancing fat oxidation, it might support weight the executives and metabolic wellbeing, making it a significant assistant to consume less calories and exercise regimens.

3.3 Cardiovascular Security: Research recommends that the product can work on cardiovascular wellbeing by bringing down cholesterol levels, decreasing pulse, and upgrading vascular capability. These cardioprotective impacts might assist with decreasing the gamble of coronary illness and related entanglements, making the product a promising restorative specialist for cardiovascular help.

3.4 Neuroprotection: It displays neuroprotective properties that might end up being useful to save mental capability and alleviate the gamble of neurodegenerative sicknesses. By regulating flagging pathways associated with neuronal endurance and synaptic pliancy, the product might offer expected benefits for cerebrum wellbeing and mental life span.

3.5 Enemy of Malignant growth Potential: Arising proof shows that the product has hostile to disease properties, hindering cancer development and metastasis through different instruments. By focusing on flagging pathways engaged with malignant growth advancement and movement, it shows guarantee as an adjunctive treatment for disease counteraction and treatment.

Application Fields

4.1 Wholesome Enhancements: Egcg green tea extract powder is normally utilized as a vital fixing in wholesome enhancements focusing on different wellbeing concerns, including cell reinforcement support, weight the executives, cardiovascular wellbeing, and mental capability. Its flexibility and expansive range of advantages go with it a famous decision among buyers looking for regular, plant-based answers for by and large prosperity.

4.2 Practical Food varieties and Drinks: It is frequently integrated into useful food varieties and drinks to improve their nourishing profile and wellbeing advancing properties. From green tea concentrates to strengthened drinks and bites, the product-rich products take care of wellbeing cognizant buyers looking for advantageous ways of integrating gainful phytonutrients into their day to day diet.

4.3 Cosmeceuticals: Because of its cancer prevention agent and mitigating properties, the product is used in cosmeceutical details pointed toward advancing skin wellbeing and fighting indications of maturing. From skincare creams to against maturing serums, the product-rich concentrates offer expected benefits for further developing complexion, surface, and in general coloring.

4.4 Drugs: With continuous examination into its restorative potential, it holds guarantee as a clever helpful specialist for different ailments, including cardiovascular infection, neurodegenerative issues, and disease. As logical comprehension of the product's instruments of activity grows, drug applications might arise, making ready for designated treatments and customized medication draws near.

EGCG powder addresses a striking union of conventional insight and present day science, outfitting the wellbeing advancing properties of green tea in a helpful and flexible structure. From its strong cell reinforcement impacts to its different remedial applications, the product offers an abundance of chances for advancing wellbeing and prosperity across various spaces. As examination into the product keeps on advancing, its job in preventive medication and restorative mediations is probably going to extend, driving further development and market development. With its demonstrated viability and expansive range of advantages, the product stands ready to stay a foundation of the worldwide dietary enhancement industry long into the future.



About Wellgreen Technology

Wellgreen Innovation is a main producer and provider of top notch EGCG Powder, offering a complete scope of products supported by broad exploration and severe quality control measures. With a huge stock and complete certificates, Wellgreen Innovation offers one-stop standard support, including OEM and ODM arrangements, quick conveyance, and tight bundling to meet the different necessities of clients around the world. For requests and orders, kindly reach us at

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