
Honokiol Extract

Specification:98% Honokiol+Magnolol
Product name: Magnolia Bark Extract
Latin name: Mangnolia officinalis L.
Appearance: Brown yellow powder
Partical size: 100% pass 80 mesh
Storage: Cool Dry Place
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Test Method:HPLC
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is Honokiol Extract?

In the domain of normal medication, honokiol extract stands apart as a strong compound respected for its remedial properties. Gotten from the bark, seed cones, and leaves of the Magnolia tree species, this product has accumulated critical consideration because of its flexible applications and promising medical advantages. In this article, we dive into the complexities of the product, investigating its sythesis, functionalities, applications, and future possibilities.

It shows intense calming properties, really stifling the development of favorable to provocative cytokines and compounds. This mitigating action has been shown in different models of aggravation, including rheumatoid joint pain, provocative entrail sickness, and neuroinflammation.

In addition, honokiol extract protects the brain. It is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and shield neurons from excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. Honokiol has been shown to be effective against neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Honokiol Extract

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

  1. Ingredients: The product principally comprises of the product and magnolol, the two of which are biphenolic intensifies found in different pieces of the Magnolia tree. These mixtures are known for their cell reinforcement, calming, against disease, and neuroprotective properties.

  2. Functional Characteristics:

  • Cell reinforcement Properties: The product displays hearty cancer prevention agent action, actually rummaging free extremists and lessening oxidative pressure in the body.
  • Calming Impacts: Studies have shown that the product has powerful calming properties, making it valuable in the administration of provocative circumstances like joint pain and fiery entrail sickness.
  • Hostile to malignant growth Potential: Research proposes that pure honokiol extract might repress the development of disease cells and initiate apoptosis, making it a promising contender for malignant growth treatment and counteraction.
  • Neuroprotective Impacts: It has been found to safeguard against neurodegenerative infections, for example, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by balancing synapse levels and diminishing neuronal harm.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

The market for the product is seeing consistent development, driven by expanding customer mindfulness with respect to regular cures and the rising interest for plant-based supplements. With continuous exploration revealing insight into its assorted restorative impacts, what's to come possibilities of the product seem promising, with expected applications in different ventures including drugs, nutraceuticals, and beauty care products.

Detailed Specifications and Parameters

Parameter Specification
Honokiol Content ≥ 98%
Magnolol Content ≤ 1.0%
Appearance Off-white to light yellow powder
Solubility Soluble in ethanol, insoluble in water
Odor Characteristic odor
Heavy Metals ≤ 10 ppm
Loss on Drying ≤ 5.0%
Residue on Ignition ≤ 1.0%
Pesticide Residue Complies with USP standards


  1. Cancer prevention agent Action: Honokiol extract goes about as a powerful cell reinforcement, shielding cells from oxidative harm and lessening the gamble of ongoing infections.
  2. Calming Impacts: By repressing favorable to provocative pathways, the product eases irritation and related side effects.
  3. Hostile to disease Properties: Studies propose that the product might stifle growth development and improve the adequacy of customary disease medicines.
  4. Neuroprotective Impacts: It displays neuroprotective properties, protecting neurons from harm and advancing mental wellbeing.

Application Fields

  1. Pharmaceuticals: Pure honokiol extract holds guarantee in drug plans for its likely restorative impacts in treating different illnesses, including malignant growth, neurodegenerative problems, and cardiovascular circumstances.
  2. Nutraceuticals: As a characteristic enhancement,the product is used in nutraceutical products pointed toward advancing generally wellbeing and prosperity.
  3. Cosmetics: The product is integrated into skincare details for its cancer prevention agent and calming properties, offering assurance against natural stressors and advancing skin wellbeing.


All in all, the product arises as a flexible normal compound with exceptional restorative potential. Its cell reinforcement, mitigating, hostile to malignant growth, and neuroprotective properties position it as an important fixing in drugs, nutraceuticals, and beauty care products. With continuous exploration and developing customer interest for regular cures, the product is ready to cut a huge specialty in the worldwide market.

Contact Us

As an expert maker and provider of honokiol extract, Wellgreen Innovation offers many excellent products with enormous stock and complete endorsements. We support OEM and ODM administrations, offering one-stop standard assistance, quick conveyance, tight bundling, and exhaustive testing support. For requests, kindly reach us at
