
Ursolic Acid Powder

Source: Rosemary leaf extract
Appearance: Pale Yellow powder
Specification: 40%,50% Ursolic acid
Grade: Food Grade
Test Method: HPLC UV
Shelf Life: 2 Years
Certificates: ISO9001:2015/ISO22000/Halal/Kosher/HACCP

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Product Introduction

What is ursolic acid powder?

Ursolic acid powder.pngUrsolic acid powder, a strong regular compound, has been earning respect for its different applications and medical advantages. Gotten from different plant sources, especially apple strips, ursolic acid is eminent for one of a kind properties add to generally prosperity. In this exhaustive aide, we dig into the subtleties of, investigating its composition, functional characteristics, market trends, future prospects, specifications, functions, and application fields.

Ingredients and Functional Characteristics

Ingredients: Ursolic acid bulk is a triterpenoid compound present in the outer layer of rosemary and various other plant sources. The immaculateness of the powder decides its viability, with excellent plans bragging a focus 98% or more.

Functional Characteristics:

● Anti-inflammatory Properties: The product displays powerful anti-inflammatory impacts, making it important in reducing conditions related with inflammation.

Antioxidant Powerhouse: Known for areas of strength for its properties, it helps battle oxidative pressure, shielding cells from harm brought about by free revolutionaries.

Anti-Cancer Potential: As per research, it might have hostile to disease properties that prevent some malignant growth cells from developing.

Market Trends and Future Prospects

1. Growing Demand: The market for Ursolic acid powder is witnessing a steady rise, driven by increasing awareness of its health benefits. As purchasers focus on regular and plant-determined items, it has arisen as a critical fixing in the drug, restorative, and nutraceutical ventures.

2. Future Prospects: With continuous examination investigating new applications and advantages of it, what's to come looks encouraging. The compound's expected in skincare, dietary enhancements, and drug details positions it as a flexible and sought-after fixing.

Detailed Specifications and Parameters

Purity98% and above
AppearanceWhite crystalline powder
SolubilitySoluble in ethanol, insoluble in water
StorageStore in a cool, dry place


Ursolic acid bulk.png■ Metabolic Health: The product backings metabolic wellbeing by advancing insulin awareness, which is essential for managing glucose levels. Studies have shown that it might support weight the executives by improving the body's capacity to process glucose and control fat gathering. By advancing insulin responsiveness, it might possibly add to worked on metabolic capability, making it an important part in details focusing on metabolic wellbeing and weight the executives.

Skin Benefits: In skincare items, Ursolic acid bulk is esteemed for its enemy of maturing and skin-firming properties. As a cell reinforcement, it shields the skin from oxidative harm brought about by natural elements, like UV radiation and contamination. Also, it has been displayed to advance the combination of collagen and elastin, adding to further developed skin versatility and immovability. These characteristics make it a helpful fixing in enemy of maturing and skin-restoring details, taking care of consumers looking for compelling answers for keeping up with energetic and solid skin.

Anti-Inflammatory Action: Its mitigating impacts position it as a possible solution for conditions like joint pain, where irritation assumes a key part in illness movement. By regulating provocative pathways, it might assist with easing joint agony and lessen aggravation related inconvenience. Its anti-inflammatory properties broaden its application options, allowing it to be used in pharmaceutical and nutritional products aimed at reducing inflammation and improving overall health.

Application Fields

1. Pharmaceuticals: The product is used in drug plans for its enemy of disease and calming properties. Progressing research investigates its possible in growing new medications with remedial applications.

2. Cosmetics: In the makeup business, it is integrated into skincare items for its enemy of maturing and skin-recharging benefits. Its antioxidant properties assist with holding the skin back from getting harmed by free revolutionaries and make it look more youthful.

3. Nutraceuticals: It is a critical fixing in nutraceuticals, which are food items with added medical advantages. Its consideration in these items adds to generally wellbeing and prosperity, supporting different parts of physiological capability.


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Wellgreen Technology

As a leading Ursolic acid powder manufacturer and supplier, Wellgreen Technology stands out for its large inventory, complete certificates, and commitment to quality. Offering OEM and ODM services, Wellgreen provides a one-stop standard service, ensuring fast delivery, tight packaging, and support for testing. For inquiries, please contact Wellgreen Technology at
